How to enable and connect bdController

Install bdController with the installer downloaded from the website.

Start a call with the bdIMAD demo or your custom application (after enabled socket communication as explained below).

Open bdController and connect to the target  running bdIMAD.

bdController with bdIMAD demoes

bdIMAD demoes are ready to be used with bdController.
The connection port to be used in bdController connection is 27000.

bdController with bdIMAD custom/manual built

(Only for bdIMAD 2.0.0-beta  and higher versions)
After the bdIMAD initialization call the following fuction:

bdIMADpj_enableGuiSocketCommunication(bdIMADpj bdIMADInstance, int port, int enable);


  • bdIMADpj bdIMADInstance is the bdIMADpj object;
  • port is thereceive port number to be used for socket communication;
  • enable is used to enable (1) and to disable (0) the socket communication [default=disabled].

Francesco Zocchi has written 2 articles