Along with the binary and the SIP server, this demo comes with bdController GUI that will help you to set your unit properly.
Install and run bdController GUI
To install bdController GUI locate the downloaded ZIP file Extract its content and click on setup.exe to run the installer.
Once bdController is installed, a discovery window will pop up, and automatically starts looking for the unit presence on the network. If everything is correctly set up, a window like this will appear:
Here’s shown the device address (you may have many more connected to the same network and choose the one to be configured) and information. If the list is empty, please make sure that the scanning procedure is set on the correct network interface: to do this click on File, then Network Settings and here select the correct interface. Once it’s done, bdController starts automatically looking for the device, which now shall appear.
Double clicking on the device row will establish the connection, and now the user is supposed to click on Read All button, then OK.
Setting the F746DISCOVERY board
Here Network/SIP Settings tab is shown where it’s possibile to set IP mode and details (default: DHCP), SIP registration/setup details, and a widget to perform a SIP call directly from bdController GUI.
Now you can choose if use your own SIP server or the one provided by bdSound.
Register F746DISCOVERY with SIP server provided by bdSound
Run the SIP server provided with the downloaded material. Please follow the instruction here. Take note of the IP address of the Virtual Machine. The preconfigured SIP server has two extensions already enabled: 1001 and 1002. Press “Register” button and a popup window will appear to be filled with such details.
At the first access you should set SIP registration details, having:
- Registrar = SIP server IP address (the IP address of the Virtual Machine)
- Username = Extension number (e.g. 1001 or 1002)
- Password = Extension password (if you’re using the pre-configured ones, it’s equal to Username)
- Display Name = choose freely
Once completed press XXXXX button to accept settings: autoregistration will begin and completed with no errors if all details are correct.
On the “Option” area, just right to the Registration area, you can change SIP communication port, RTP port, and enable auto-answering and auto-registration features. Please note that each of these settings are automatically stored in the device flash memory, so you just have set them up once.
Register F746DISCOVERY with your own SIP server
At the first access you should set SIP registration details, having:
- Registrar = SIP server IP address
- Username = Extension number
- Password = Extension password (if you’re using the pre-configured ones, it’s equal to Username)
- Display Name = choose freely
Please retrieve this information from your SIP server and set the unit accordingly. Press “Register” button and a popup window will appear to be filled with such details. Once completed press XXXXX button to accept settings: autoregistration will begin and completed with no errors if all details are correct.
On the “Option” area, just right to the Registration area, you can change SIP communication port, RTP port, and enable auto-answering and auto-registration features. Please note that each of these settings are automatically stored in the device flash memory, so you just have set them up once.
Setting the AEC and other parameters
Now, moving to AEC Settings tab, you can set bdSound’s S2C processing ON and OFF, by clicking on Status Enabled/Disabled, even at run time, which can be interesting to see the difference of having the processing or not. Postgain lets you set the STM32 mic gain after processing, and Residual Echo Canceller can be enabled/disabled or you can set its level of “aggressiveness”.
Note: in this tab, the settings are NOT automatically stored in memory, so, if you’re planning fix them, please click on “Write all to target and set as default”, which will make them permanent on the unit.
The last tab is related to Audio Processing Settings, where, on the green side, you can set Send Gain, which rapresents the STM32 mic gain before any processing; AGC, that will stabilize the mic gain around the defined target value. On the blue side you can set Receive Audio Gain, which rapresents the STM32 speaker gain after processing, and a Limiter which will also act on the STM32 speakers.
Note: in this tab, the settings are NOT automatically stored in memory, so, if you’re planning fix them, please click on “Write all to target and set as default”, which will make them permanent on the unit.
By clicking on the right area of the top menu, you’ll find Show block diagram, that illustrates the key blocks present into bdSound’s Simply Sounds Clear(S2C) processing.